Cumberland County Conducts Full Scale Active Shooter Exercise

by Jody Hirata, Deputy County Administrator for the County of Cumberland

View the entire newsletter for more articles:  2019 – NJAC County Biz – October

On August 23, 2019, Cumberland County successfully conducted its first full scale “Active Threat Integrated Response and Rescue Task Force Exercise” at Lakeside Middle School in Millville, NJ.  The operation, dubbed “Operation Active Shooter Survival”, was planned with guidance from the FBI, the Federal Emergency Management Agency and the Office of Homeland Security.

Operation Active Shooter Survival presented a live, realistic, real time school shooter scenario requiring an integrated response from the region’s law enforcement, fire and rescue departments, Office of Emergency Management as well as emergency medical services, including hospital trauma facilities.  Police, fire and emergency medical services departments from Millville, Bridgeton and Vineland worked with the Cumberland County Sheriff’s Department and Prosecutor’s Office to develop and implement an  integrated response to the simulated attack utilizing a centralized chain of command and collective resources.  With assistance from the FBI Crisis Response Unit and the NJ State Police, a scenario was prepared that would mimic the types of active shooter threats seen on numerous occasions over the last  several years.

Preparation for the exercise required candid assessments of the capabilities of various departments and agencies.  Chain of command and communication protocols were developed to address the acute nature of the risk active shooter events pose which put a premium on rapid assessment, deployment and decision-making.  To make the exercise as realistic as possible, preparation for the exercise required the inclusion of school officials, County officials tasked with emergency management and public information as well as public observers such as the news media.  The exercise required a number of “players” to play the roles of shooters and victims.

Any active shooter crisis immediately challenges the area’s emergency medical services and its hospital trauma centers.  In cooperation with Inspira Health Network’s nearby Vineland Hospital, the exercise produced a comprehensive plan for emergent triage, transportation and treatment of victims.  Genesis Healthcare, which operates a rehabilitation and long-term healthcare facility near Lakeside School, participated in the exercise providing a realistic site for both law enforcement and emergency medical operations.

To enhance the realism of the exercise, the details of the exercise were not disclosed to the “players”.  The participants were forced to assess the threat, develop a strategy to assess the threat, marshal the resources to neutralize the threat and treat the victims.  The exercise produced a “crisis” atmosphere that emphasized the need for clear communication, timely   decision-making and well understood procedures to reduce confusion and miscommunication.

Cumberland County officials believe the exercise was highly successful for both what went right and what went wrong.  In planning the exercise, the FBI advised county and  municipal officials that the exercise would, likely produce mistakes and expose weaknesses that are often more valuable learning experiences than successes.  With that advice in mind, exercise participants are using the results of the simulations to improve communications, tactics, equipment and training.  The exercise has produced a spirit of cooperation and collaboration across the County’s network of first responders.