Timing and Process Key in Development Projects

by Marjorie "MK" Kaplan, Senior Account Executive for Axiom Communications View the entire newsletter for more articles: 2017 – NJAC County Biz – March Delays in construction projects can be costly — but perhaps the most expensive delays are the ones that occur before construction even begins.  Materials and labor costs continue to rise in the economic expansion, and the cost of projects can increase from 10-20% from the time they are approved to the time construction begins. “The political environment can be very cumbersome, and months or even years can pass between the time a project is...

Moorestown, Burlington County Lives Up to Its Name

by Alannah Dragonetti, Head of Marketing for GovPilot View the entire newsletter for more articles:  2017 – NJAC County Biz – February Granting residents more ways to connect with a more efficient local government. In 2005, Money magazine surveyed over one thousand small towns to find the 100 best places to live in the United States. With its strong sense of community, stellar school system and close proximity to Philadelphia, Moorestown, NJ topped Money’s list. Twelve years later, Moorestown remains the model suburb, a distinction exemplified by the township’s recent adoption of GovPil...

New Jersey Breaks into Top 10 in 2016 America’s Health Rankings

by Marilyn Gordon, M.D., Chief Medical Officer for UnitedHealthcare of New Jersey View the entire newsletter for more articles:  2017 – NJAC County Biz – January Last month, United Health Foundation released the 27th annual America’s Health Rankings, the longest-running assessment of the nation’s health on a state-by-state basis. According to the 2016 report, New Jersey ranked number 9, up two slots from last year.  This two-step jump is even more telling when you take a historical look at the report which shows that just five years ago, New Jersey ranked 17th. Today, New Jersey can proud...

Are You Complying with the New Procurement Standards Under Uniform Guidance?

by Digesh Patel, CPA, MBA, CGMA, Director of Government Services for The Mercadien Group View the entire newsletter for more articles:  2016 – NJAC County Biz – December For all state, local and nonprofit entities that receive federal awards, whether direct or pass through, Uniform Guidance took effect with fiscal years that began after December 26, 2014. Procurement standards is one of the many areas that management and staff at all state, local and nonprofit entities need to review and understand, to be in compliance with the Uniform Guidance. In the new uniform guidance, there are five...

Desk Job? 4 Easy Ways to Stay Active in the Office

View the entire newsletter for more articles:  2016 – NJAC County Biz – November by John Gallucci, Jr., MS, ATC, PT, DPT, President & CEO for JAG Physical Therapy What can possibly happen from sitting down too long? For one, excessive sitting down encourages laziness and in extreme cases, can lead to obesity further down the line. In the late 20th century, there was a worldwide increase in Repetitive Strain Injury (RSI) due to the use of typewriters/computers in the workplace, since it requires long periods of repetitive motions in a fixed posture. Common conditions attributed to RSI ...

Fall Into Online Auctions!

View the entire newsletter for more articles:  2016 – NJAC County Biz – October by Angela Jones, Marketing Communication Specialist for GovDeals.com With the start of Fall comes cooler temperatures, changing leaves, and football. But that is not all. This is also the time of year when many governments are wrapping up their current fiscal years and getting prepared for the upcoming year. There are many things to that need to be accomplished in order to have the most prosperous, profitable year possible. New processes and procedures for improvement need to be implemented, budgets need to...

Traffic Signals: The Perfect Smart City Tool

by Dave Bullock, Managing Director of ITS for Miovision View the entire newsletter for more articles:  2016 – NJAC County Biz – September At their most basic level, traffic signals are infrastructure assets that control vehicular and pedestrian traffic. But what if we could look at the humble traffic signal in a whole new way? What if we looked at this piece of infrastructure as the perfect foundation for a smart city? As the easiest and least expensive way to build a smart city? If you’re a transportation engineer, you have access to one of the most powerful data collection tools in your ...

Integrity Health’s Patient Centered Model is Perfect for New Jersey

View the entire newsletter for more articles:  2016 – NJAC County Biz – August Public Entities and their Employees Integrity Health is a Health Benefits Management company that specializes in empowering employers and employees to manage and control healthcare spending without reducing benefits but actually enhancing them! “Lower Costs Through Better Health” is our motto.  How do we do this?  Through the use of our Partnership Health Center, known to participating employees as their “PHC”. Integrity Health is currently providing these services for several Public Entity employers. Partnershi...


View the entire newsletter for more articles:  2016 - NJAC County Biz - July The Lake Surprise Dam is located in Mountainside, Union County, New Jersey in the Watchung Reservation. The dam is approximately 200 feet long with a maximum height of 13 feet, which impounds the waters of the Blue Brook to create a recreational lake. Prior to rehabilitation the existing dam configuration consisted of an earthen embankment steel sheet piling embedded along the upstream face, and a stone masonry wall on the downstream face. Since its original construction, the dam structure deteriorated and was in ser...

Everyone Needs a Hero

by Lisa Fielding, Partnership Director for NJ Hall of Fame  View the entire newsletter for more articles: 2016 - NJAC County Biz - June The New Jersey Hall of Fame is a moving capsule of the almost 100 inductees’ contributions to history. It’s an endless source of pride for New Jerseyans, including Sal Campbell, a recent Arête Scholarship winner. “When I look at all the great people that are part of the New Jersey Hall of Fame and the many adversities that they overcame, I’m determined to work hard to achieve excellence in everything I do,” said Campbell. “Through hard work, courage and de...