by S.P. Sullivan | NJ Advance Media for
on December 08, 2016 at 7:28 AM, updated December 08, 2016 at 8:30 AM
TRENTON -- Six months ago, amid concerns about the costs associated with New Jersey's massive bail system overall, Gov. Chris Christie ordered the state's attorney general to study what it could mean for the budgets of county prosecutors, jails and police departments.
A new report published by the state Division of Criminal Justice has given the governor his answer: There's no way to know until after the reforms are in place.
The sweeping changes that take effect in Jan...
Is Criminal Justice in NJ About to Become an Unfunded Mandate?
by Caren Chesler for NJ on November 30, 2016
The state’s massive overhaul of the criminal justice system calls for new technologies and more personnel. The counties want to know where the money will come from.
As New Jersey prepares to implement a major overhaul of its criminal justice system in January, county governments will attempt to block the effort, claiming they will be forced to pay millions of dollars for new prosecutors, sheriff’s officers, and capital improvements with no help from the state.
The New Jersey Association of Counties estimates the reforms wi...
State House News
November 23, 2016
Criminal Justice Reform
For nearly two years, NJAC and county officials from across the State have been urging State leaders to address our concerns with the costs associated with implementing Criminal Justice Reform set to take effect in January of 2017. In the past two weeks alone, NJAC and a delegation of county officials have met with the Governor’s office and Attorney General’s office. We’ve also testified before the Assembly Judiciary Committee, and have had ongoing conversations with the Administrative Office of the Courts (AOC), which has been very helpful througho...
The Mount Laurel Doctrine: Progress or Knot?
The Mount Laurel Doctrine: Where We Are & What Happens Now Presented by The Rutgers Center for Real Estate
Date: December 15, 2016
Time: 7:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.
Location: Newark Museum, 49 Washington Street in Newark, NJ
Cost: $195 prior to December 1st
$225 from December 2nd – 14th
$250 onsite at the event
The Rutgers Center for Real Estate will continue its premier conference series hosting a landmark Real Estate Conference: The Mount Laurel Doctrine; Where We Are & What Happens Now? The conference will bring together leaders in policy making, government, law and real e...
Desk Job? 4 Easy Ways to Stay Active in the Office
View the entire newsletter for more articles: 2016 – NJAC County Biz – November
by John Gallucci, Jr., MS, ATC, PT, DPT, President & CEO for JAG Physical Therapy
What can possibly happen from sitting down too long? For one, excessive sitting down encourages laziness and in extreme cases, can lead to obesity further down the line.
In the late 20th century, there was a worldwide increase in Repetitive Strain Injury (RSI) due to the use of typewriters/computers in the workplace, since it requires long periods of repetitive motions in a fixed posture. Common conditions attributed to RSI ...
State House News
October 28, 2016
Transportation Trust Fund
On October 14th, Governor Christie signed into law legislation that reauthorizes the Transportation Trust Fund (TTF) with an 8 year $2.0 billion per year capital program. In summary, the measure generally increases the State’s motor fuels tax by .23 cents per gallon, reduces the State’s sales tax to 6.875% in 2017 and then 6.625% in 2018, increases the earned income tax credit from 30% to 35% of the federal benefit amount, increases the New Jersey gross income tax exclusion on pension and retirement income for seniors, provides a personal exemptio...
Attorney General Issues Directive to Guide Prosecutors and Police in Implementing Historic Bail Reform that will keep Dangerous Criminals in Jail and Eliminate Unfair Monetary-Based Bail System
For Immediate Release: October 13, 2016
For Further Information Contact: Peter Aseltine, (609) 292-4791
TRENTON – Attorney General Christopher S. Porrino today issued a new directive that provides detailed guidance to prosecutors and police in implementing the historic bail reform law and related amendment to the New Jersey Constitution, which for the first time in state history will permit dang...
Fall Into Online Auctions!
View the entire newsletter for more articles: 2016 – NJAC County Biz – October
by Angela Jones, Marketing Communication Specialist for
With the start of Fall comes cooler temperatures, changing leaves, and football. But that is not all. This is also the time of year when many governments are wrapping up their current fiscal years and getting prepared for the upcoming year. There are many things to that need to be accomplished in order to have the most prosperous, profitable year possible. New processes and procedures for improvement need to be implemented, budgets need to...